i had a reminder about scripture study today in our sunday school lesson.
one that applies to me right now in this busy life of mine.
...behold, i will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost...
~Doctrine and Covenants 8:2
the teacher told us that we absolutely have to have both our mind and our heart fully in scripture study or else we will not get anything out of it. meaning we can't just read the words on the page and be upset about something going on in our lives. or have our hearts in it but be thinking about our to-do lists. they have to both be in it. the teacher made it sound more eloquent than that but it made me stop and think about how often than not i will just read to read. instead of taking the time to focus and learn from my scripture study.
this is a great thought. its hard for me to even read most of the time...i am so bad at that. {reading -anything- has never been my favorite so this is especially hard for me}.
any advice you can remember from when you were younger and first really started reading the scriptures?
hi kristen! thanks for commenting. :)
i'm afraid it started a loooong time ago when i was a kid. in primary they challenged us to read our scriptures every day and i took that challenge on. and it became a habit for me. even now, twentysomething years later, i can't go to sleep without being reminded to read my scriptures.
as for the experience i have when i read my scriptures? or have had in the past? it has always ebbed and flowed over the years. currently, with three children, it is very difficult to find a quiet moment to read my scriptures, so that heart and mind combination is a difficult one to achieve. usually late at night or early in the morning, it happens.
but back when i was single and in college and was taking religion classes i was able to really search the scriptures and delve into them and their meanings. i loved that time in my life and it has helped to sustain me during these years when my scripture reading is less than i would like it to be.
does that help at all? i think if you have the time or want to make the time, taking a Book of Mormon institute class might be a great idea to get you into the scriptures a bit more.
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