Wednesday, June 3, 2009


after watching that advice from elder eyring, i started to think of the things that we have been blessed with lately and had to write them down.

today my sweet friend came and took max and ava for the day. this is the second time she has done this and what an enormous help it is. i am able to get the laundry done, i am able to relax, it is wonderful. i know that they are in good hands and are having a wonderful time with her, so i have peace of mind.

we are buying a house. that, in and of itself, is an enormous blessing in how things have just fallen into place and how good we feel about this house. but since we will not be living in the city anymore, we will be very far from a busline for paul to get into seattle to work. it is possible for him to take a bus but the commute would be very, very long. so, we have been praying and hoping for some way to get a commuter car. a cheaper than cheap commuter car since we already have our van payments and will now be buying a house. paul has been stressed out and worried and constantly looking on craiglist and just last week i was talking to my sister and she mentioned that grandpa is giving away his car. for free. i just knew it was meant to be. i knew it was an answer to my prayers. so, instead taylor will give us back our car which we gave to him and he will take grandpa's car. i have no doubt that the Lord's hand was in this.

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