i feel like general conference was an enormous wakeup call for me. i have been so down in the dumps and sick and tired and hormonal. and very selfish. i felt like i've been in survival mode for the past two months and have only cared about myself and doing what will make me feel better or what will not make me feel sick. what i'm trying to write out here, is that i have been very un-Christlike in my thoughts and actions. and so many talks this morning just hit me smack in the face. forced me into this realization of my selfish ways. how grateful i am for the counsel of our modern day leaders. counsel that i know comes straight from the Lord. i only took shorthand notes during conference and look forward to the full transcripts so that i can get the full quotes, but in the meantime i will summarize what touched me most.
henry b. eyring's talk this morning about unity made a big impact on me.
he quoted matthew chapter 7 verses 1-2:
judge not, that ye be not judged.
for with what judgement yet judge, ye shall be judged;
and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
of course we all want to be at one with Christ and with our fellow saints, to be unified. but, lately i have lost sight of this. i have been thinking rude thoughts and allowing myself to be offended by silly things. i even went to far as to vent to two friends. who were so kind and listened but i apologize to them for it. i need to begin right now to be more Christlike, more forgiving and focus on looking for opportunities to serve others.
I really understand what you are saying here. I remember both times I was pregnant I turned inward and started feeling very irritible. At one point my mom said to me, "Being pregnant isn't an excuse to not be Christlike." And just because of my frame of mind, I was so mad at her.
I think somewhere in the middle is the balance: it is appropriate to be focused on your health and well-being while you are expecting because your well-being directly affects that of your growing unborn child. Somehow that potent cocktail of hormones does make every slight (imagined or otherwise) seem that much more painful. And every joy is magnified by ten because of the thrill of being a partner in creation.
Because of those extremes it can be hard to stay grounded, to let go of offense, to not feel like you're on a roller coaster. And that's not even mentioning all the nasty physical tolls: fatigue, nausea, etc.
Sorry about making such a long comment. I promise, I have a point! And it is this: be good to yourself, and it will be easier to be good to others. Stack the deck in your favor by getting as much rest as you can, reading your scriptures, saying your prayers, and asking for lots of extra help in those prayers to specifically cope with what you struggle with (Check out my post on Elder Bednar's talk about prayer for more of my thoughts on that subject). Heavenly Father WILL bless you with what you need, because he wants you to be happy and to help you be the best you can be.
thank you so much for this. i don't want to use pregnancy as an excuse for my witchiness but i appreciate that you understand how i am feeling and truly, truly appreciate your advice to seriously do all i can {including prayer} to fortify myself against these grumpy, selfish feelings. thank you!
I totally had the same realization lately. I had gotten so focused on how crappy I felt that it actually made me feel worse.
I love Henry B.
Aubrey, you're so awesome. I think its very cool that you can take a talk from a disciple and apply it to yourself personally. Oh, and hey... I was looking on the lds.org website today, and they will have the transcripts available by Thursday. Have a great day!
Aubrey!!! You are my idol!
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